Penlee House Gallery & Garden February half term 2017 Cornwall 365

Cornwall's Museums this February Half Term

Come and fill some of your half term days at Cornwall’s museums. There’s plenty going on for all ages, perhaps you have Grandma and Grandpa visiting, or perhaps Grandma and Grandpa are on duty or perhaps you’re looking for a place for everyone to enjoy together. Whoever you’ve got to entertain we’re sure you’ll find something to enjoy with indoor and outdoor activities, crafts and trails, stories and more to choose from.

We’ve got the low down on some of the happenings at 6 museums across Cornwall. Find out more about all the museums in Cornwall by visiting You might be surprised by what you discover.

Over at Royal Cornwall Museum, ( Truro half term takes a Mexican twist inspired by the current exhibition Mexico: The Cornish Connection. Join them for Mexican ‘Day of the Dead’ themed activities which run every day Mon 13th Feb to Thu 16th Feb, 10.30am – 12 noon. Create ‘Day of the Dead’ puppets, learn about traditional Dia De Los Muertos celebrations and visit our beautiful Mexico-inspired exhibition in our first-floor gallery. No materials required, just bring your creativity. Normal admission applies and children are FREE.

There are free family activities every Saturday at Penlee House Gallery & Museum, ( you can drop in anytime between 2.30pm and 3.30pm. During half term there are some extra workshops too. On Fri 17th Feb from 10am to 12pm join artist Kim Pilgrim to make a cabinet of curiosities to house your own collection and create curious artefacts. For ages 7-13.  £4.50 per place.  Booking essential; please contact the gallery on 01736 363625 to book. On Sat 18th Feb take up our sketching challenge with the free I Spy With My Little Eye activity and on Sat 25th Feb have a go at creating a picture using quilling, a technique of rolling and shaping paper. No need to book for these free activities, just drop-in.

National Maritime Museum Cornwall February half term 2017 Cornwall 365
Go out of this world – travel to space from the National Maritime Museum Cornwall ( this half term. From Sat 11th to Tue 14th Feb voyage through space with Space Odyssey Planetarium. Find out more about space, space missions, the galaxy and more with space sessions. Advance booking is essential for the Planetarium and space sessions. Price: £3.50 per session in addition to your Museum entry. Plus, enjoy free DAILY craft sessions in the craft making centre.

Visit Wheal Martyn ( this February half term and take part in a variety of fun activities with the family. Enjoy our FREE ‘Make and Take’ activities and let the kids run freely in the grounds.  Badger Forest School will be holding their first ‘Dangerous Dads’ event at Wheal Martyn on Sat 11th Feb, from 1.00pm – 4.00pm. The session is for dads and male carers and their children and will include a variety of activities such as den building, bushcraft, foraging and cooking on camp fires. There’s a special price of £10.00 per family, email to book.

Telegraph Museum Porthcurno, ( offers a surprising and inspiring visit time and time again. Porthcurno’s golden sandy beach hides an amazing secret. Beneath your feet, messages from all corners of the globe have been buzzing through undersea cables since 1870, making Porthcurno one of the most connected places on the planet and a hub of global communications, even today. Press Morse code keys. Watch lights flashing. Hear dot dash dotting. Lose yourself in a whistle-stop timeline of dynamic discovery. Go underground in secret World War Two tunnels

Head to Falmouth Art Gallery ( where you’ll find self-led art activities ready for you at the doodle table every Saturday plus Monday to Friday during school holidays.  Plus on the first Saturday of the month there are free family drop-in workshops from 11am to 3pm. During half term enjoy these free family drop-in sessions, they all run 11am to 3pm:

Tuesday 14th February, Textured Hedgerows. Use collage and paint to make a mixed media landscape inspired by Michael Strang’s colourful hedgerow paintings.

Wednesday 15th February, Stories in Graphite. Pencils at the ready to create your very own visual storyboards.

Thursday 16th February, Graphic Painting. Take a look at the bold colours and geometric shapes in Julian Brown’s ‘Dwarfstar’ painting and use masking tape to create your own graphic masterpiece.

Please check with organisations before heading out.

Creative Kernow, based at Krowji, is the umbrella organisation for the following nine projects. Together we support the production, promotion and distribution of work by creative practitioners in Cornwall because we believe in creativity's transformative power and want more people to benefit from it.
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