Sweet Chestnuts - photo by Steve Crummay, Explore in Cornwall

Lizard Flora & Fauna Photo Competition

We went on a walk with Steve Crummay from Explore in Cornwall to explore in Cornwall! We also learnt about the local flora and fauna of The Lizard around Kestle Barton and Frenchman’s Creek and how to take a fab photo, which has evolved into this photography competition. Steve is Head Judge and Carn to Cove are supplying tickets to a show of choice from their Autumn season as a prize for the winner.

And the winner is…

Abby Keverne from Greenbank Hotel with her photo ‘Bug Eyed’!

Congratulations Abby! You’ve won two tickets to a Carn to Cove show of your choice.

Runners up in 2nd and 3rd place were:

Oak leaf highlights – Melanie Johns

I lost my heart in a tree – Julie Tamblyn. Botelet

Judge Steve Crummay said: “They were all really good and difficult to choose but I like the idea of showing the ordinary Cornish wildlife/nature in unusual ways that all these do.”

See all the competition entries below…

Header image – photo credit Steve Crummay, Explore in Cornwall

*some entry images have been cropped

Creative Kernow, based at Krowji, is the umbrella organisation for the following nine projects. Together we support the production, promotion and distribution of work by creative practitioners in Cornwall because we believe in creativity's transformative power and want more people to benefit from it.
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