Sustainable Events Resources

As we all know, Cornwall is an amazing place to be with exciting and creative events happening all year round. But now, more than ever, we have to do our part to reduce the environmental impact of our work and protect our planet.

We are thrilled to work with Livvy Drake (Sustainable Sidekicks/Kambe Events) has produced this fantastic checklist for indoor events. This document will provide a framework to help you discover sustainable solutions and make running green events both accessible and achievable.

The Guides include information on

There are two Guides, one focusing on outdoor events and one for indoor events. Download these free resources below.

Download the Indoor Guide  Sustainable Indoor Checklist (437 downloads)

Download the Outdoor Guide  Outdoor-Events-Checklist.pdf (437 downloads)


You can also watch a series of training videos with Livvy (filmed at one of our Skill Sessions) here:

Approaching Sustainability – Watch Here

Energy & Carbon – Watch Here

Communications – Watch Here

Digital – Watch Here

Food & Drink – Watch Here

Materials – Watch Here

Transport – Watch Here

Waste & Recycling – Watch Here

Creative Kernow, based at Krowji, is the umbrella organisation for the following nine projects. Together we support the production, promotion and distribution of work by creative practitioners in Cornwall because we believe in creativity's transformative power and want more people to benefit from it.
CK-Carn-to-cove logo
CK-C-Fylm logo
CK-Cornwall-365 logo
CK-C365-whats-on logo
CK-CMN logo
CK-feast logo
CK-Krowji logo