Cultural Canapés

The stage is set for Cornwall 365

Triumphantly theatrical Cornish ‘canapés’ of culture and tourism mix together to unlock £millions of additional income

Marking the launch of ‘Cornwall 365’, Cornwall’s new cultural tourism programme, a ‘Cultural Canapé’  party took place at Heartlands to celebrate the rich and varied cultural activity that Cornwall has to offer.

Accommodation providers, hospitality staff, activity providers, tourism information centre representatives and key influencers from across Cornwall were treated to a range of   visual and sensory ‘canapés’, including music, dance, theatre, film, puppetry, comedy, heritage, storytelling and local food.  The wealth, quality and diversity of cultural activity taking place across Cornwall was well received by the tourism businesses and they were given the necessary tools to promote the wide range of events and activities happening across the region, to keep visitors coming back to Cornwall, year on year.

Much-loved Cornwall born-and-bred artists Rogue Theatre hosted the evening’s surprising, spellbinding and entertaining proceedings.  Carn to Cove who present a year-round programme of music, performance and film across Cornwall and FEAST who support artist and community partnerships helped in the selection of acts. Performances were given by artists, including Bagas Degol, Annamaria Murphy, The Story Republic, The Red River Singers, Kemsyk, Camborne Town Band, Miracle Theatre, Squashbox, Black Fish Theatre, Bec Applebee, Will Coleman, Scary Little Girls and Rabbit Theatre. Knightor Wines also provided their support for the event, kindly supplying their Madeleine Angevine year 2013 for the 300 attending guests.

The current value of Cornwall’s economy is £7 billion per annum meaning tourism, at £1.2 billion, represents 20% of this income and with cultural tourism estimated to drive £180m to a region, the Cornwall 365 programme, funded by the Arts Council and Visit England, has been created to develope relationships between the culture and tourism sectors for mutual benefit. To enhance this business engagement initiative, the programme will also support the two sectors with a full marketing & PR campaign to include cultural packages, digital infrastructure and collaborative promotional activity, to drive culturally-motivated visitors to the region, all year round.

Fiona Wotton from Cornwall 365 said:  “As part of the national Cultural Destinations programme, we are delighted to be launching our exciting programme.  Cornwall has a constant plethora of creative and cultural happenings, events and opportunities, all of which can provide exciting and compelling gateways for locals and visitors alike to experience a deeper sense of Cornwall, enhancing their bond with the place and bringing them back time and time again.”

Pippa Warin, Senior Relationship Manager, Arts Council England said:  “We are delighted to see the  launch of Cornwall 365, and to see so many members of the cultural and tourism sectors coming together in this imaginative way.  We very much look forward to having such close involvement as a key funding partner of this new initiative and to seeing Cornwall’s key players utilising this exciting opportunity.”

Culture Canapé Party from charlotte Gray on Vimeo.

Creative Kernow, based at Krowji, is the umbrella organisation for the following nine projects. Together we support the production, promotion and distribution of work by creative practitioners in Cornwall because we believe in creativity's transformative power and want more people to benefit from it.
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